The last learning CD version 6.5 was valid until March 2021. Unfortunately there is no more current Fragen-Lern-CD or an update.

Hundreds of thousands of learner drivers have successfully learned for their theoretical driving test with the Fragen-Lern-CD, now this era is coming to an end. Because there are hardly any computers with a CD or DVD drive left and almost 90% of students who have received a CD in recent years have used the integrated FahrAPP.

If you still have a Fragen-Lern-CD from version 6.0, you will always have a full FahrAPP account with you! Simply download FahrAPP versions  here. Or learn directly in the browser at Register with the registration code from the CD cover (driving school code is not required). FahrAPP is always up to date and is constantly updated with new and changes question sets.

Good luck studying!